USA. CIA, FBI spies in private companies. Like Soviet Russia.

Dec30 2019

● "US intel agencies' deep relationship with the private sector".
● "CIA emplaces NOCs [agents] in the technology, finance, film industries", "with the approval of corporate leadership".
● "tighter embrace between private industry and espionage", physicians, journalists
● "only a few select executives within a company are aware of its relationship with" CIA
● "FBI and CIA officials paired up in major US cities"
● "work with friendly digital companies, like commercially available ancestry databases, to alter personally identifying information."

'Shattered': Inside the secret battle to save America's undercover spies in the digital age

The Angloid lunacy. USA has a superdemocracy.

Apr12 2016 as FormerlyKnownAsNopez

If your chosen guy from the oligarchy doesn't get enough votes (delegates), you can always create superdelegates and hand them over to him. Thus it doesn't matter how the sheeple votes, the made men (goodfellas, wiseguys) are always on top.
USA has a superdemocracy. It's like the "superheroes", which are not heroes, but cartoon characters straight out of the American Delusion. So the US superdemocracy is not a democracy, but it is a creation of the American Delusion.
It's like with the "people's democracy" of the Russian Bolsheviks.

USA racism. Kapos, house Negroes, Indian scouts

 Aug14 2016

This puppet sheriff David Clarke is not only a house Negro clown and a traitor to his people.
He is a kapo.
In Nazi Germany's concentration camps (i.e. forced labor and penal camps), they had a special functionary called kapo who was supposed to supervise prisoners and maintain order. Kapos were chosen from among the prisoners. Kapos were known to be more cruel than the SS-officers (prison guards) and extremely eager in serving their masters.
So are such house Negroes like Clarke. They moved from the slave plantation to the porch of their slave master's house. They are like mad dogs, who are eager to defend their master fanatically. And the master pats them in the back from time to time making them salivate in joy.

Maybe even a more extreme example of such moral deviancy is the case of Indian scouts. Among the real Americans, i.e. Indians, the WASP invaders recruited traitors, who were eager to serve the enemies in exterminating their own people. They helped the enemies who killed and robbed their own people.

CIA leaves a bomb on school bus. Regime's terror in USA.

 Apr01 2016
"CIA Leaves Explosives On School Bus Then Allows Children To Ride On It!"

My goodness... So those CIA terrorist mofos tried to make another false flag bombing? This time with children? Fortunately, the evil clown spies got confused by something and screwed this up.
I remember recent "psy-op" reports in the media about this mythical ISIL wanting to target children. And here we go. The CIA masters of ISIL just left explosives in a school bus.
So this attack, if successful, would fit the broader agenda of the recent terrorist bombings around the world. CIA apparently needed some new event inside USA. The San Bernardino false flag attacks by the terrorists from Pentagon and FBI (yes, FBI) are seemingly not enough for their goals. BTW: They usually frame for it some totally uninvolved people or even victims of the attacks.

And the funny cover story... They "practiced" discovering bombs with their CIA dogs of both species. And they had to use an actual school bus and a real bomb for the purpose? A bus without children would not work for the CIA terrorists' plans? How can you forget about the bomb that you use for practice?

Trump supporters. Who is the "Nazi"?

Apr16 2016
"RWW News: Roger Stone Compares Himself To Victims Of Nazi Germany"

Alex Jones and Roger Stone are funny clowns with a lot of chutzpah. The fascist lunatics who support their führer Trump are complaining about their enemies supposedly being Nazis.
"They will be burning people" ... Maybe in those FEMA camps?
The Clown Jones Index just reached new heights.

Who is the Nazi?

● Trump supports torture, he wants to commit crimes against humanity by murdering families of enemy combatants.
● He wants to use nuclear weapons against a phantom terrorist group ISIL which occupies terrains of other countries (is he a lunatic or what? Worse than Dubya).
● Trump wants to openly steal other countries' natural resources (petroleum) after having invaded them.
● Trump wants to extort other countries. He wants to steal money from Mexican workers (earned by hard labor) or keep it for ransom extorted from the Mexican government (will he keep Mexican immigrants hostage?)

The American Delusion. USA is a country of flaggots and freedom-freaks.

Jun04 2016

The American Delusion is not just a problem of the right wing US "patriots". It affects both the right and the left wing in USA, because the problem lies not in the political ideology, but in the Yankee-Doodlism itself. The "exceptionalism" lunacy and other outlandish claims and slogans are not rooted in political ideologies. This problem is inherent in the US American spirit.
USA is a country of flaggots and freedom-freaks. And they are both liberals and right wingers. When a Yank opens his mouth to argue about any political or social problem from whatever perspective, it's certain that he will utter words like "Freedom!", "Liberty!", "Tyranny!" (although in recent years "tranny" is more popular
Achieving the US density of national flags per square meter would be impossible even for Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany or communist China. Simply nobody can beat the Yanks in jingoism. A flag in every plaza, in post offices, on metro trains and firefighter trucks. They would certainly put flags even in public restrooms, if they only had any public restrooms.

The Slaver Thomas Jefferson and Kościuszko's offer to pay for freeing US president's slaves

Jan 28, 2016
Response to a Yankee apologist of USA and its Founding Daddies (as FormerlyKnownAsNopez):

Oh... how cute... So he is explaining it like this: Jefferson wanted to free slaves, but the rest of his friends were so evil that they would start a civil war? And he obviously had to side with the evil friends. Not with the justice and morality.
Slavery was not present all over the world. In Europe there was no racist slavery. A few European countries practiced slavery outside of Europe.

In reality (not in the American Dream/American Delusion), the Yankee rebellion against the British empire (evil in itself by European standards) was mainly driven by greed, racism and chauvinist atavism. The core of USAn values.

● The Declaration of Independence written by Jefferson and other "Founding Fathers" includes racist slurs against the rightful owners of America - Indians are called "merciless Indian Savages".

Anti-Pope Francis

Sep29 2015
Pope Francis: "Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross".
Wow... This comes from a pope?
And not just this. Recently it was reported: Francis put his own popularity into perspective: 'Jesus also, for a certain time, was very popular, and look at how that turned out'.
Look at the ego of this guy.. He compares his own popularity (he owes it to Jesus, Bergoglio is a nobody on his own) to Christ's "popularity". What a diabolical hubris...

Thermonuclear fusion with a clean non-nuclear (fission) explosion in Poland in 1977. Mini-nukes.

Apr 24, 2015 In 1977, Poland became the first country in the world to achieve a thermonuclear fusion with a clean non-nuclear (fission) ex...