The Slaver Thomas Jefferson and Kościuszko's offer to pay for freeing US president's slaves

Jan 28, 2016
Response to a Yankee apologist of USA and its Founding Daddies (as FormerlyKnownAsNopez):

Oh... how cute... So he is explaining it like this: Jefferson wanted to free slaves, but the rest of his friends were so evil that they would start a civil war? And he obviously had to side with the evil friends. Not with the justice and morality.
Slavery was not present all over the world. In Europe there was no racist slavery. A few European countries practiced slavery outside of Europe.

In reality (not in the American Dream/American Delusion), the Yankee rebellion against the British empire (evil in itself by European standards) was mainly driven by greed, racism and chauvinist atavism. The core of USAn values.

● The Declaration of Independence written by Jefferson and other "Founding Fathers" includes racist slurs against the rightful owners of America - Indians are called "merciless Indian Savages".

● The list of grievances against Britain in the initial draft of the Declaration of Independence included the 'crime of exciting those very people (i.e. black slaves) to rise in arms among us'. All this rage because the royalist governor Dunmore promised granting freedom to slaves who fought for his army.
Jefferson and his pack apparently realized that this version of the text may look bad, especially given their Jacobin ideology. So they went with hypocrisy, the inherent trait of the new WASPy Republic. They wrote some empty slogans like "all men are created equal and have unalienable right to liberty" for the sole purpose of covering up their true intent of preserving enslavement and the subhuman status of black people (the US Constitution treated Blacks as subhuman explicitly and Blacks, Indians were refused citizenship - they were treated like animals living in the country). That's the ultimate weaselry of the Jacobins and Bolsheviks.

 ● The Declaration of Independence is the most hypocritical document I have ever seen. It's like the Communist Manifesto. Pure demagoguery and hypocrisy.
I would understand that one person can't change an evil social structure like slavery. But you can't hypocritically write that "all men are created equal and have unalienable right to liberty" in a propaganda piece for the regime and in the name of the regime itself, if that's obviously not the case in the system that you have created and you don't even have any plan nor intent to change it.
You can compromise with a bad system, but you can't write such an insolent piece of Bolshevik-like propaganda.
If you do, you are a hypocritical weasel.

● Jefferson, Washington and friends created system of ethnic cleansing, physical and economic enslavement by design. There was no democracy. Only maybe 10% of population had voting rights (i.e. property owners). The Founding Daddies deliberately crippled democracy to create an oligarchic structure. Even for their own kin (not to mention those who were treated by them as subhuman beings - blacks and Indians).

● Jefferson wanted to create an Orwellian "EMPIRE OF LIBERTY" (another example of perfidious sophistry of a Jacobin demagogue), by stealing the land from Indian people and using his black slaves. He planned an ethnic cleansing.

Jefferson was a perfidious bankster who devised a plan to dispossess and enslave the true owners of the land by using deceit and usury.
In private correspondence, he was more honest, unlike in the public propaganda pieces like the Declaration of Independence. So he openly admits it.

As the president, Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1801:

Jefferson: "Through the factory system, native people will incur debts beyond what they are willing to pay, and they will only be able to pay those back through a cession of lands."
Jefferson: "The American settlements will gradually circumscribe and approach the Indians, who will in time either incorporate with us as citizens of the United States, or remove beyond the Mississippi. Some tribes are advancing, and on these English seductions will have no effect. But the backward will yield, and be thrown further back into barbarism and misery ...and we shall be obliged to drive them with the beasts of the forest into the stony mountains"

So Jefferson was one of the first evil bankers of the US Empire.
Today, he would be called a Nazi, if he wasn't already treated as one of the gods of the Republic. The imperialist Republic of USA.

● Jefferson was simply a secret lover of the institution of slavery. Jefferson had a chance, but he didn't want to spend his own money to free his slaves. He also didn't even want to spend money given to him by someone else for the purpose. He simply didn't want to lose his human slaves. When the self-interest and lofty slogans meet, the hypocrites always choose the greed and cruelty.
When the time of the true test had come, Jefferson exposed himself as a true friend of slavery.
That's what the Yankee "founding daddies" were like. A lot of empty slogans about liberty were and are being used as a cover for greed, imperialism and other inhuman behavior of the Republic.

Kosciuszko made Jefferson a beneficiary of his testament. He gave him money to free his slaves and slaves of other slavers. The hypocrite Jefferson obviously agreed superficially to the request, because that's what the hypocrite Jacobins do. But when the time came to actually do free his slaves, he reneged on the promise to Kosciuszko. He betrayed his friend, because he so loved slavery.
Someone else payed Jefferson to free his slaves. And he still didn't want to do it.


Some articles about it:

"Thomas Jefferson directly alluded to that fear in the initial draft of the Declaration of Independence in the summer of 1776. In his list of grievances against the British, Jefferson, a Virginian slave-owner, included the crime of “exciting those very people”—slaves—“to rise in arms among us.”"


"Anger at Dunmore's emancipation ran so deep that Thomas Jefferson included it as a grievance in a draft of the Declaration of Independence. That's right: the Declaration could've included "they're conscripting our slaves" as a reason for independence."
"American colonists … refused to see Indians as fellow subjects. Instead, they viewed them as obstacles in the way of their dreams of land ownership and trading wealth." This view is reflected )in the Declaration of Independence, which attacks King George III for backing "merciless Indian Savages."

"Kościuszko's legacy to free 'so many Negroes,' the rewritten will specified that 'I do hereby declare and direct that should I make no other testamentary disposition of my property in the United States I hereby authorize my friend Thomas Jefferson to employ the whole thereof in purchasing Negroes from among his own or any others.' Kościuszko surely made this crucial change with Jefferson's consent, for Jefferson agreed to be the executor, as well as the beneficiary, of the will."

"Kosciuszko died on October 15, 1817. After several years of vacillation, Jefferson withdrew from his pact of honor with Kosciuszko by pleading in a Virginia court in Charlottesville that he could not serve as executor of his friend's estate and would not use the money to free his slaves"

"Why did Jefferson, while throwing himself energetically into the creation of the University of Virginia, plead that he was too old and tired to carry out Kosciuszko's will and betray the trust of his Polish compatriot? One of the key reasons was Jefferson's allegiance to the Old Dominion aristocracy and his devotion to sustaining the economic and cultural leverage of the white South in national politics. He also feared offending friends, especially slaveowners already shaken by the actions of others in Virginia who had released slaves from bondage"

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