The American Delusion. USA is a country of flaggots and freedom-freaks.

Jun04 2016

The American Delusion is not just a problem of the right wing US "patriots". It affects both the right and the left wing in USA, because the problem lies not in the political ideology, but in the Yankee-Doodlism itself. The "exceptionalism" lunacy and other outlandish claims and slogans are not rooted in political ideologies. This problem is inherent in the US American spirit.
USA is a country of flaggots and freedom-freaks. And they are both liberals and right wingers. When a Yank opens his mouth to argue about any political or social problem from whatever perspective, it's certain that he will utter words like "Freedom!", "Liberty!", "Tyranny!" (although in recent years "tranny" is more popular
Achieving the US density of national flags per square meter would be impossible even for Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany or communist China. Simply nobody can beat the Yanks in jingoism. A flag in every plaza, in post offices, on metro trains and firefighter trucks. They would certainly put flags even in public restrooms, if they only had any public restrooms.

They sing the national anthem before every stupid sports game. Not only in international venues, but even in local leagues. BTW: When they win a local league, the delusional clowns call themselves the World Champions; what they call "World Series" is finals of local league of the childish game of baseball. So people from outside must be really careful when dealing with the Yanks' claims - an "American World Champion" is not really a world champion. The words don't have to mean anything in USA. Everyone lies and brags with no shame at all. Semantics, the basis of logic and language, is almost an insult in the Forrest Gump country.

They even plead allegiance, not to the nation or even the state, but to a flag. Allegiance to a flag! To a piece of a rag on a stick. Talk about false gods, as the WASPs like to hypocritically preach.

USA is more like a religion than a state. Constitution is treated like the Bible; "Founding Fathers" are  treated as prophets or even gods. Some of them have their giant Christ-like figures carved out of Mount Rushmore. They made the slaver George Washington into a Christ or at least a saint. They have a fresco "The Apotheosis of Washington" in Capitol (the seat of the legislature, not a church!) which shows him sitting amongst the heavens in an exalted manner. Below Washington (depicted as God, the Father), there is a woman (whore? wearing colors of the US flag who beats someone up. One may ask: what the hell is that? Did someone want to recreate the biblical Babylon?

The American Dream/Delusion is a medical condition.
What would one expect from a country whose national anthem is an old drunkard song (literally)? Logic and sobriety must be alien to the country for sure.
You have to be drunk to write a Declaration of Independence with slogans like: "all men are created equal and have unalienable right to liberty", while you yourself own slaves and the purpose of the document itself is to preserve your power over your slaves. A normal and sober person would be ashamed to be so hypocritical. But obviously it's not the case with the Yanks. They lie shamelessly like naturally born psychopaths.
The country has been created by thieves and rascals who came to America to steal the land from its rightful owners. So if you start as a stupid criminal, the end result is obvious. They stole not only a big chunk of the continent from its owners, but they also try to steal the name of the continent itself (America). Talk about chutzpah.

USA has had no natural predators to fear from. Germany, Russia and other powers in Europe checked one another. USA has grown like an unchallenged weed in a forgotten garden. When all the wars were destroying real powers in Europe, USA was reaping the fruits of the wars, quietly hiding in provincial regions of the planet.
Among other countries, USA looks like an overgrown high school bully who starts a career as a con man. The whole American Dream is about hoping that you can always find a more stupid sucker than yourself and swindle him ("animating contest of liberty"). So if you can catch yourself a slave, or grab some land and kill its owners, or sell some snake oil to someone, you have fulfilled your American Dream. If you got caught and made into a slave, too bad... After all it's the animating contest of liberty and exercising the right to the pursuit of happiness (some people need slaves to be fulfilled and happy)./Jun22 /
In USA, even religion (i.e. Protestant cults or even Eastern philosophies) is turned into a bazaar for barking empty slogans with the main goal of scamming people.
If one knows that, nothing can be surprising about the US anymore.

The "Forrest Gump" film is a story of the career of USA. Allegory of USA. Whether it was intentional or not.
Like a strange combination of Forrest Gump and Frankie MacDonald, USA rams through the world yelling its lunatic empty slogans: "A-tten-tion, citizens of this and that...","Liberty!","Freedom!","Liberty rising!" (like here  or any video of Alex Jones


"Real Time with Bill Maher - Michael Moore - Where to Invade Next (HBO)".

O, yeah... Bill Maher and Michael Moore think that Europe stole USan ideas.
Moore is a lying, loony US chauvinist. Although I believe him that he could have found some morons in Europe who got fooled by the USA's propaganda, since there were numerous useful idiots who got fooled by the Russian Bolshevik propaganda. Especially now, when people don't know their own history, because the world got infected with the USA virus and the "progressives" (i.e. libtards) are on top.
There is not a single idea in USA that hasn't been stolen from Europe (at least a good one, Yanks have a talent to invent some evil stuff).

Moore claims that "progressive education" (whatever that is) is a US American idea. What? The idea of the education of lower classes itself comes from European Enlightenment (and earlier Renaissance). Maybe this ridiculous, libtarded, so-called "political correctness" comes from the US Loony Tunes? That might be correct.

The deluded Yank Michael Moore claims that Europeans are copying "all these things that we started". What is it? Racist slavery? Nuking cities? I don't remember that. But I remember the idea of genociding people to steal their land. Maybe this US American idea spreads around the world successfully? What a win. Of the Charlie Sheen kind.
The nonsense about the May Day is funny. Europeans came up with some socialist ideas. Then German immigrants brought them to USA and demanded human rights from their Yankee employers (WASPs). But to this loon Moore, the ideas were born in USA, because Yanks shot at their German laborers and used a terrorist bombing against them in Chicago.
How insolent and stupid he has to be? Nothing special, that's Yankee-Doodlism. Michael Moore is a liberal American Psycho.

Moore claims that USA started with the idea of  "good health care for everyone, paid vacations", although USA never had them. And he lies that Europeans look at the Yanks and copy the things Yanks have never had and not even dreamed of ("You don't want good health care..., so we will do it").

What a typical lying Yankee weasel. Give the Yank a hand and he will tell you that you stole it from him. Or maybe Moore has some crypto-Jewish roots... this would explain this chutzpah.

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