USA racism. Kapos, house Negroes, Indian scouts

 Aug14 2016

This puppet sheriff David Clarke is not only a house Negro clown and a traitor to his people.
He is a kapo.
In Nazi Germany's concentration camps (i.e. forced labor and penal camps), they had a special functionary called kapo who was supposed to supervise prisoners and maintain order. Kapos were chosen from among the prisoners. Kapos were known to be more cruel than the SS-officers (prison guards) and extremely eager in serving their masters.
So are such house Negroes like Clarke. They moved from the slave plantation to the porch of their slave master's house. They are like mad dogs, who are eager to defend their master fanatically. And the master pats them in the back from time to time making them salivate in joy.

Maybe even a more extreme example of such moral deviancy is the case of Indian scouts. Among the real Americans, i.e. Indians, the WASP invaders recruited traitors, who were eager to serve the enemies in exterminating their own people. They helped the enemies who killed and robbed their own people.

To this traitorous kapo Clarke, it's normal that policemen are allowed to shoot a 12-year-old kid for playing with a toy gun within two seconds upon arrival to the scene (Tamir Rice). It's normal for his white masters (who don't even have to be policemen) to harass black boys near their homes for no reason and kill them, if they stand their ground (like Trayvon Martin). Even more so. Negroes don't even have to fight back.  It's normal for US policemen to deliberately kill a young black guy who raises his hands and asks: "Don't shoot!" (Michael Brown).
Because that's AmeriKKKa. The land of depraved and home of the freaks.

The Yankee-doodle clowns try some poor demagoguery in defending their systemically racist regime which oppresses the blacks.
They claim that nobody protests blacks killing blacks.
Yeah. Nobody protests, because it's not a systemic problem, it's not a black state that's oppressing others. It's not a regime run by black people. It's the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant regime.

If a black guy kills another, police arrests him and he gets a punishment. He has no free pass. No reason to protest.
But when a white policeman murders a black guy,  he gets no punishment at all. He isn't even fired from his job. If there is a pro forma investigation, it almost always ends with a whitewash.
So that's where the protests come from. It's a protest against the apartheid state of USA which systemically targets, oppresses and kills Negroes.
When an SS-man in a concentration camp unlawfully killed a prisoner, he was usually punished (unless he was the top officer). In USA, cops are virtually never punished.
The rotten system of local police is the main reason. Local cliques do whatever they want. There is no oversight whatsoever.
That's how messy and grotesque the US system is. USA is not the first world. By definition it's the second world, but still it's below Canada. So USA is closer to the third world countries than to the second world ones.
Maybe the UN forces should come in and take over?

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