If your chosen guy from the oligarchy doesn't get enough votes (delegates), you can always create superdelegates and hand them over to him. Thus it doesn't matter how the sheeple votes, the made men (goodfellas, wiseguys) are always on top.
USA has a superdemocracy. It's like the "superheroes", which are not heroes, but cartoon characters straight out of the American Delusion. So the US superdemocracy is not a democracy, but it is a creation of the American Delusion.
It's like with the "people's democracy" of the Russian Bolsheviks.
There is a saying attributed to Stalin (though it was simply an ironic anecdote created by people oppressed by this regime): it doesn't matter how people vote, it matters who counts the votes. So when the Russian army "liberated" some countries (like Poland), it didn't matter how people voted. It mattered who had the power to announce the results of "elections". In the Soviet-like people's democracy you could vote only for people pre-selected by the regime's oligarchy (i.e. communist party).
In USA, it's even better. Not only they do a pre-selection with the money-donation system and other procedural shenanigans. They have super-votes. If the right candidate doesn't win, he gets a super-vote and voilà: people voted as they wanted, but they have chosen who they were supposed to choose. That's the Jeffersonian democracy at its best. ...lol...
I wonder why USA and Soviet Russia fought each other? They were so alike. Maybe because there can be only one left?
Like everything in USA is "special", so is the US democracy. Like the "special" students in the schools for intellectually retarded children.
Yanks live in the American Dream (American Delusion), not in reality. They don't see the world like it is, but they see it like they wanted it to be. So they always think they are the best, everything they have is the best (even though, for instance, the US building standards are on the third-world level - houses made out of cardboard).
They think they invented democracy (yes, they do!!! ...lol...) and their democracy and political system is the best in the world. This is really a shocking delusion on the level of a mental asylum patient, since the US political system is such an unbelievable mess that it can only be called a disorder out of chaos.
There is a saying that if a committee tries to design a horse, the end-result is a camel. The US political system is even worse. It's like cybernetics of a spilled milk. It's like magma chaotically forming into strange shapes.
In general, it's like the Anglo-Saxon common law judicial abomination. No wonder that this mindless system was developed by the intellectually challenged Angloids, who are capable of butchering even their own language (not to mention butchering every single foreign word they try to pronounce). The English is probably the only language which has been actually degenerating in the past centuries, since its users don't put any intelligence into maintaining it (because they don't have any ...lol...).
The ideographic language like English is a regression to the times of hieroglyphs. When an Anglo-Saxon sees a word, he doesn't know how to pronounce it, if he didn't hear it before. Thus the whole purpose of the written language is lost in English.
Normally, the language evolves in time into something more logical and communicative. Like the Champollion work on Egyptian hieroglyphs shows. With English, it's the opposite. It's a devolution. The Angloids got some fairly sophisticated language from the Norman conquerors (later also Latin, Greek), but they managed to squander it, because of their inherent stupidity.
Angloids spent their energy mainly on piracy and peddling, so a language was of little importance. If you are a trader or a thief you are well suited with single-syllable words like: go, come, run, get, sell, buy, give, make, sit, ain't, etc. The grammar is also not important to you.
Reading a written language is rare, so you can easily forget how to pronounce words. Then you have to invent the pronunciation. This is especially difficult with a language, in which letters don't correspond strictly with phones, but they have their pet names like ideograms in hieroglyphs (ey, bi, si, di, i, ef, double-u, wye).
If you add to that the typical Angloid pompous buffoonery, the outcome is not just a simplistic language, but a freak of linguistics.
If you don't put the organizing force of intelligence into a cybernetic system, the natural way of nature is to create more chaos (increase of entropy). It works in language and political systems, too.
So the linguistic entropy is a good measurement of nation's collective intelligence.
If you have a system, where:
- You don't have the same law in the whole country, but local gangs rule according to their own rules.
- judges don't have to rule according to the law passed by the legislature
- judges have the dictatorial power to create law, instead of applying it in particular cases
- judges can make their rulings not based on the law, but according to their own private visions of the Bible-like Constitution
- judges establish "precedences", thus creating law, which is usurping the power of the legislature,
your system is a chaotic, anarchist mess; a paradise for crooks, thieves and liars.
In a normal country, if you have a new social problem, you pass a legislation. In the Angloid countries, judges can usurp the legislative power and create new laws.
In normal countries, Supreme Courts can only rule, whether or not a particular law is conforming with the Constitution. They cannot change it. They cannot institute another law. They send a directive to change the law. The ruling itself doesn't establish any new law.
The courts cannot rule in a particular case based on the general Constitution, but based on legislation. That's how it is where law and order rules. In a system created by intelligent people, not by flaky quacks.
USA is even worse than other Angloid countries which have not been reached by the Enlightenment. The storms of Trafalgar and the Russian Winter were the unfortunate fateful events that stopped Napoleon from civilizing the Little Britain and Russia (God apparently doesn't like Angloids and Russians. ...lol... ). Though the rest of Europe based its law on the Napoleonic Code. Even Russia.
The Angloids are the outliers of the civilized European world. Their intellectual inferiority is manifested in their ridiculous ideographic language and nonsensical medieval political systems (monarchy in Britain or the indescribable political mess in USA). Although Angloids can be cunning like pirates should be. Britain and USA are the nations of shopkeepers, peddlers, thieves and boastful liars. And pirates of course.
Why is a Florida man facing life in prison for lending a friend his car and going to sleep?
USA is only country that retains this Felony Murder Rule. The common law atavism."he lent his car to his roommate and went to sleep. He had lent his car to his roommate many times before with no negative consequences. This time the roommate and others went to a house where they knew a woman was selling marijuana from a safe. They planned to get the marijuana, but in the course of their break-in a teenage girl was killed".
"What the Felony Murder Rule essentially says is if anyone has anything to do with a felony in which a murder takes place, such as a robbery, that person is as guilty as the person who has committed the murder. Every other country including England, India and Canada has gotten rid of it because of its unintended consequences. In America, Michigan, Kentucky and Hawaii no longer have the law. The Canadian Supreme Court ruled, when they discarded the Felony Murder Rule, that a person should be held responsible for his own actions not the actions of others"
Feb18 2016
That's really weird. The "religious" right wing figures, the supposed defenders of moral values, scream in panic that Obama, appointing a liberal judge to the Supreme Court, will destroy USA. Funny.
● The right-wing-leaning Supreme Court just "legalized" sodomite "marriages". As if a court had any right to make law in a democratic system. A reasonable person, who is not living in the American Dream, cannot comprehend it. But those are the mysteries of the Jeffersonian Corn Republic.
● Abortion has been "legalized" in the same manner by the The Supreme Guardians of the American Revolution who are the defenders of the liberal democracy (as those religious Guardians in Iran are the defenders of Islamic democracy - curious parallel).
Seriously. What else is left to destroy in USA? Supreme Court judges already made a joke out of their nation by declaring the right to free speech for corporate personhood. What else can they destroy?
What's left to defend in USA from the perspective of a right-wing moral values defender? Nothing.
Apparently, judges destroying those two core issues of a healthy nation is a small beer for even the most "religious" right in USA. Their "religious" Protestant values are simply more about guns and gold (the world viewpoint perfectly embodied by the Alex Jones character - he is the Americana ...lol...). Protestantism is a state religion, it's an ideological superstructure of capitalism. That's not a real religion. That's why for most Protestants, what happened to the right to life issue (abortion) and to the moral health of society (propagation of sexual deviancy, destruction of family) is not a big deal as long as they have their guns under their beds. As long as they can hug their beloved guns and gather some gold in their pockets they are happy.
But now they are scared that the new court may limit their access to guns. And what would they do without them guns? The whole sense of life would be ruined. After all they are the Americana gun-huggers (Jeb Bush just perfectly described it in his recent twitter post -...lol...).
BTW: Why in USA people treat Supreme Court judges almost as gods? How can you call a judge "Justice"? This is like a deification of a caesar. Maybe they are not exactly like horses made into senators by Caligula (as the Bushes are), but still they are just simple guys who base their rulings on tea-leaves readings and personal bias.
That's apparently "the American Dream" medical condition.
The Founding Fathers are also treated as Gods. Constitution is treated as the Bible. That's the core of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant religion.
Looks somewhat like Babylon. ...lol...
RWW News: John Hagee Says America Will Be Lost Forever If Obama Is Allowed To Replace Scalia
Apr10 2016
Seattle Mayor Bans All Official City Travel To Mississippi And North Carolina!
What a nice propaganda piece made by the sodomized media. It looks here like everybody unites for sodomy around the country. And this faggy fatso in the bakery is not homosexual himself. No! They swear! ...lol...
What's the problem? They don't want to travel to those states, because they won't be able to sneak into the women's restrooms? What a shame... The former US House speaker Hastert won't go there, either. Although they may still let him into the boys locker rooms.
Though, what a way to "come out" as a homosexual. NY governor Cuomo (did anyone have any doubts about the Cuomo faggot brothers or de Blasio?) or this Seattle mayor just did it. Still somewhat cowardly, but this is the way such weasels operate. They say there is nothing to be ashamed of in homosexuality, but still they hide their own sexual deviations. Hypocrisy of a libtard mind.
So many corporations got taken over by the sodomite mafia (like this Viacom Redstone freak). They are now quite open not only in support for sodomy, but in the push to impose the sodomite values on the whole society. They don't want just tolerance for personal sexual deviations anymore. Not even acceptance of homosexual persons. Now they want to sodomize the whole nation and force it to accept homosexuality and other sexual deviations as something normal or something even better that requires special protection as a national treasure.
They already hijacked the word "gay". They kidnapped and raped the rainbow. And then they made the sodomized rainbow their symbol for some reason. They want to teach your children about the virtues of sodomy.
What's next? Maybe pedophilia is going to be the next item on the affirmative agenda? Then zoophilia, necrophilia.
When they are done with the sexual freedoms and abortion, maybe they will go for tolerance of cannibalism?
Not far-fetched. They already make shows about the good sides of cannibalism on public television in Britain and Netherlands (shows with actual eating of human flesh, describing the taste of it).
Liberty rising. ...lol...
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