Donald Trump is a case of a Zelig.

Feb26 2016
Donald Trump is a case of a Zelig. Zelig is a character from a Woody Allen film. It's a guy who wants to fit in and be liked by everyone; he tries to fit in any group of people he is with at the moment by pretending to be one of them and to think like them.
BTW: Zelig is an example of an archetypal half-assimilated Jew (or a crypto-Jew like Marano, Frankist, Dönmeh). Another example of such a Jew is the main character of the film "Europa Europa" or "Hitlerjunge Salomon" by A.Holland.  (the post by FormerlyKnownAsNopez "shadow-banned" by Youtube - visible only after I log on as FormerlyKnownAsNopez)

Trump is such an attention addict (a natural trait for a reality TV person). He wants to be liked, to fit in and to be cherished. So Trump says he is pro this or pro that, depending on the crowd he talks to. Though, he is not a full-blown Zelig, he makes some wiggle room for himself. He doesn't talk about the deportation of millions of Mexicans anymore, he stopped talking about the wall and about China "stealing US money" by... lending them to USA (that's a "genius" chutzpah He needs it for general elections.
He says he has problems with the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare. But he has no problem with the homosexual "marriage" issue. It's all about Obamacare. That's Wall Street conservatism.

Trump is delusional, egotistical, infantile, loud, bombastic (his campaign song should be Shaggy's "Mr. Bombastic"). He compensates for his intellectual inefficiencies with bombast and even chutzpah.
He is the spirit of USA, isn't he? The embodiment of an archetypal Yank.
Trump is the true face of the US north. He is the Americana of the north. Like the redneck psycho Alex Jones is the true Americana of the US south.
USA deserves a president who is truly representative of the nation (like Dubya Bush was). Let's not stop this and support Trump.

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