Jul15 2015
Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts.
Seriously? The abortion witch is happily talking about selling body parts from partial birth abortions? This is just mind blowing.
They are harvesting and selling hearts, livers of aborted babies. And she brags that during the killing procedure she can avoid destroying the parts she wants to sell:
"I'm not gonna crush that part, I'm gonna basically crush below, I'm gonna crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get it all intact"
So abortion is a process of crushing body parts of an unborn child. No wonder abortionists try to keep quite about the details of their Frankenstein/Mengele-like activities.
Witches were prosecuted in the past exactly for this kind of activities: abortion, killing newborn. And they were put in dungeons for these criminal deeds.
But now the witches are the new heroes who bring freedom to kill... They think that unborn children are their possession, slaves, so they can do whatever they want with them. The witch thinks: it's my baby, I own it, I can kill it. An unborn child is not even a person to them. They treat it as an inanimate object, worse than an animal.
And now such witches are protected by law enacted by an unelected clique of judges in USA.
This is a deviant civilization. Even sexual deviants are treated as if they were the saints of yore.
So USA and the EU must be the new Sodom and Gomorrah? It doesn't even look like only a metaphor anymore.
And neither USA nor the EU will survive for long. The homosexual takeover is a sign that God has forsaken you. It's signum temporis.
When an organism is infected with viruses and parasites to the point that they are clearly visible and appear to take over, that organism is about to die.
As Martin Luther King said:
How long? Not long, because you shall reap what you sow.
Jul21 2015
Abortion doctors Mengele
The "doctor" talks about 'less crunchy technique' to get more intact body parts and haggles over the prices of organs.
Wow... What's next? I hope they don't eat aborted babies like they already do in China.
This evil woman looks like a typical witch from The Abortion Witches Coven.
This abortion industry employs only the most vile creatures there are.
Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods
The witch "wants a Lamborghini"?
How about a broomstick?
Aug04 2015
David Daleiden on CNN: Time for Planned Parenthood to Back Up Talking Points With Evidence
The Mengele-like witches of the Abortion Coven are selling whole bodies of children born alive? And I thought I have already seen it all... There is no end to the barbarity of those people.
And that's how the US media work as a propaganda outpost for the Planned Parenthood Crime Organization.
There is video evidence for selling body parts of unborn children, but for CNN, the hysterical denials by the perpetrators are just enough to dismiss the issue. They are more credible than the video evidence itself. lol You have to be a really eager abortion fanatic to think like that.
Moreover... Like in the Bolshevik Russia, reality is turned upside-down. Now those good people who expose the crime against humanity are presented by CNN as bad, as "extremists".
This Kafkaesque world would be funny, if it didn't involve the gruesome deaths of innocent children.
Aug19 2015
Human Capital - Episode 3 - Planned Parenthood's Custom Abortions for Superior Product
The late Pope John Paul II called it the Civilization of Death.
This is a freaking hell on earth. Just mind blowing.
Even Dr. Mengele, who conducted human experiments on prisoners in Auschwitz, wasn't so cruel to his prisoners.
BTW: it must be noted that Mengele's victims were not Jews, but other prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp (political ones, resistance fighters or ordinary crime suspects)
Some Jew-obsessed fanatics, like the Protestant loon Hagee, see Jews everywhere. They try to bring the Jew issue whenever the Nazi concentration camps are talked about, even with the Dr. Mengele case.
Space Aliens don't abduct you and dissect you in devious experiments. Other humans do. And they are called the heroes of your civilization.
I had a thought when I saw one of the witches from the Planned Parenthood Coven (Mary Gatter?). She looked like a ghoul or an Alien from the drawings of people who believe they were abducted by some "Aliens". If those people really are not confabulating (those who "remember" some kind of Space Alien experiments performed on them), they may be simply digging into their own subconscious and discovering the memories of being victims of abortions in past incarnations (or other human experiments in Germany, Russia, USA, China, etc - they all did it; not to mention things they do to animals).
People are used to pushing out the evil part of their own psyche and projecting it on others (i.e. enemies, aliens, devils, etc.).
Don't look for the evil Cosmits, Reptilians or Illuminati. The devils are you.
Aug21 2016
RWW News - Alveda King - Where Are The Lawyers For Embryos And Fetuses?
My goodness. Those devious, lying libertine retards. They are unable to deal with reality with reason and logic, so they go with chutzpah lies (chutzpah is an insolently deceitful attitude; using deliberate lies in-your-face).
Alveda King said: 'Where is the lawyer for the baby?',
and the despicable libtards from the RWW Right Wing Watch "quote" her: "Where Are The Lawyers For Embryos And Fetuses?", in order to dehumanize unborn children.
Those witches actually openly try to dehumanize a group of humans (if you didn't get out of the woman's womb, you have no rights, even the right to live). Is it like a republic of dumb little devils? Hell on Earth?
Even slaves weren't completely denied human identity. The libertine devils cross every barrier known to humans in their progress on the road to hell. If you are progressive in the direction of the edge of the cliff and hell on Earth, you are worse than the slavers and Bolsheviks.
Actually, there are some degenerate libertine retards who complain that people humanize fetuses. ...lol... That's not a joke.
A weirdo organization calling itself none the less weirdly "National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League" decried an 'anti-choice tactic of humanizing fetuses'. ...lol...
That's really like living among some morally degenerate retards. No other words describe it.
BTW: A better term for unborn babies would be: unborn infants (from the Latin word meaning "unable to speak").
How stupid one has to be to come up with this ridiculous term "reproductive rights"? ...lol...
Not only nobody stops anyone from procreation, actually it's being promoted by the right wing.
It's not only about the stupidity of the liberal intellectual cripples who confuse a fight for not having to procreate with slogans for the right to procreate (that's another proof of mental retardation of those people).
But the term "reproductive rights" itself is so absurdly stupid and dehumanizing, that it perfectly represents the psyche of the "progressive" fanatics. Instead of using the word procreation, they come up with the word reproduction. For humans! It sounds like a term a soulless clerk in a chicken factory might use (even a farmer wouldn't use it). And those ridiculous "progressive" creatures use it in relation to humans. ...lol...
So this fact shows clearly that the new progressives are even more crazy, fanatic and degenerate than the original progressives: Jacobins, Bolsheviks.
The new progressives and modernists appear to blindly aim at changing people into soulless robots who spend their time squirting bodily fluids on each other or exploring each other's excretory organs. Even Bolsheviks didn't go that far.
Now what's left in the West is skeleton nations.
That's what happens, when nations lose their souls. Nation's soul is its religion.
Now you have brainless zombies devoid of higher aspirations. And they make a big part of Western societies. It looks like all the deviants and freaks of nature came out of the gutter and got to power in the last century.
When parasites and tumors come to the surface and take over, it's a sign that the organism is dying.
The soul has left the body. Now what's left is zombie nations.
Aug07 2015
FOX News is simply a libtarded propaganda outpost of the military-spy community of USA. FOX News people are libertines on moral issues and fascist hardliners on everything else, especially on stealing and killing foreigners.. They are like Bolsheviks or Nazis.
Obviously, falafel/loofah boys like Bill O'Reilly and fags like Roger Ailes don't care about abortion or propagation of sodomy in public life.
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