Thermonuclear fusion with a clean non-nuclear (fission) explosion in Poland in 1977. Mini-nukes.

Apr 24, 2015

In 1977, Poland became the first country in the world to achieve a thermonuclear fusion with a clean non-nuclear (fission) explosion. First with a laser system, then with a conventional explosion.
So it means theoretically that it's possible to create a thermonuclear nuclear bomb without a primary nuclear explosion (no need for uranium or plutonium). And this bomb would be substantially cheaper and cleaner. There would be no radioactive contamination coming from a typical nuclear fission bomb.
The bomb looked like two linked cones filled with deuterium and tritium.
The creator of this concept was Sylwester Kaliski, who was later likely killed by Soviets, since the Russian empire didn't need Poland as an independent country. USA and Russia even collaborate on the issue of keeping other countries defenseless (except Israel).

Sylwester Kaliski conducted his studies openly. He even published his scientific works on the topic. And that was a big mistake. Russia and USA are always watching. They never share their own knowledge, but always deviously plot against others (vide Iran and Stuxnet).
Poland's Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna started working on laser synthesis in 1969. They experimented with the original Polish 'focus-laser' concept. Electric discharge heated up the plasma and then the laser was employed. In 1974 Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna started using conventional explosion instead of the electric discharge. But Sylwester Kaliski came to the conclusion that laser wouldn't be needed at all. A conventional explosion could produce a thermonuclear fusion. Experiments were conducted that proved his concept.

So now... The Russians killed him and stopped Poland. But now one can be sure that USA and Russia have such weapons and use them. They are hard to detect, because people don't know what to look for.

This is a lose translation from this article below from a Polish historical magazine. With addition of my own conclusion about the USA/Russia collaboration and their use of the new clean nukes.



Interestingly, US mainstream news media start writing about it. It's especially interesting in the context of the World Trade Center demolition.
Quote from a CNBC article (17 Mar 2017):

Several countries are developing nanoweapons that could unleash attacks using mini-nuclear bombs and insect-like lethal robots.

Nanotechnology opens up the possibility to manufacture mini-nuke components so small that they are difficult to screen and detect. Furthermore, the weapon (capable of an explosion equivalent to about 100 tons of TNT) could be compact enough to fit into a pocket or purse and weigh about 5 pounds and destroy large buildings or be combined to do greater damage to an area.

Del Monte explained that the mini-nuke weapon is activated when the nanoscale laser triggers a small thermonuclear fusion bomb using a tritium-deuterium fuel. Their size makes them difficult to screen, detect and also there's "essentially no fallout" associated with them.

Earlier in his career, Del Monte said he held a secret clearance when he worked on Defense Department programs




Program czystej bomby termonuklearnej w PRL. Edward Gierek. Kaliski: "Lasery i synteza jądrowa".

[Artykuł zniknął spod oryginalnego adresu. Ale tutaj jest zachowany tekst.] 

Polska Rzeczpospolita Atomowa

Andrzej Fedorowicz

Pod koniec lat 70. program jądrowy PRL był tak zaawansowany, że skonstruowanie przez Polskę własnej bomby wodorowej wydawało się tylko kwestią czasu. I wtedy w niewyjaśnionych okolicznościach zginął jego twórca.

5 sierpnia 1978 r., prosty odcinek drogi między Bobolicami a Koszalinem. Niebieski Fiat 132 Mirafiori na warszawskich numerach rejestracyjnych skręca nagle w prawo, przejeżdża przez płytki rów, ścina drewniany slup linii telefonicznej, niewielką sosnę i zatrzymuje się na kolejnym drzewie. Z rozbitego auta ratownicy wyciągają 53-letniego kierowcę z ciężkim urazem głowy oraz towarzyszącą mu kobietę. Sześć tygodni później, nie odzyskawszy przytomności, mężczyzna umiera w warszawskim szpitalu wojskowym. To Sylwester Kaliski, generał i profesor, jeden z najwybitniejszych polskich naukowców. Człowiek, który w ciągu zaledwie 6 lat dołączył Polskę do ekskluzywnego klubu państw prowadzących badania nad kontrolowaną fuzją termojądrową. Czy mogło to mieć związek z jego śmiercią?

How science is being used by quacks and psychos as an excuse for their dangerous activities

 Apr15 2020

Science is not a community of scientific workers. It's an endeavor. Science is not a person, it doesn't say anything (as some halfwits are used to say). Science is practiced. And it can be practiced well or badly. The scientific community is full of quacks, halfwits and crooks. That's a natural thing in a human population. Vast majority of scientific workers are no geniuses, to put it mildly. Although they are obviously smarter than Wall Street hucksters or economists.
They can't be always taken seriously (wrong methodology, mistakes, cheats, etc), especially when they go outside their own realm and try to shape global policy.

● Nukers love their nuclear realm, like a mother loves her thuggish son (she will always say he is no danger, no matter what crime he commits). Nukers love their nuking, so they desperately cover up the dangers of it. They are afraid that the society will take away this toy from them. And they have the "progress, save the world" complex. They would nuke you in order to save you.
After the Chernobyl disaster, the nuclear engineers and even physicists claimed that it was a one-time accident, it can't happen again. Though, it did happen again in Fukushima, as it had to. Then the international clique of nukers denied for months if not years that the meltdown occurred, even though it's the basic knowledge that the meltdown must happen after losing cooling for less than a day.

Economy. Wealth distribution (rich/poor) is an internal social structure and by default is a zero-sum game.

Mar21 2020

The rich-poor scheme is a zero-sum game. If you have a trillion dollars of printed money, it's a finite amount. If one person gets some of it, another must lose. It's finite, unless Central Bank cheats (which is the idea of capitalism) and prints money and gives it to the chosen. It's still stealing money from the whole nation, because everybody loses - gets indebted. If the public is unaware of this scheme, it's simply counterfeiting money. Creating fake money, thus undercutting wealth of everybody, causing inflation.

Everybody cannot get rich. If there are moguls, by default there are also servants. Everybody cannot become moguls, because they would stop being moguls.
By definition, being rich means having much more wealth than others (i.e. it requires existence of the poor). Otherwise everybody is on the same level on this rich/poor scale.

The absurd capitalist economy in USA. The Wall Street stock market scam.

 When the Wall Street crooks have the chutzpah to claim:
- people "cast a jaundiced eye" toward Wall Street.
- "banks and wealthy individuals are viewed by others as a revenue source for re-distributional policies"

It's shocking how insolent and stupid those people are.

The absurd capitalist economy of the US Corn Republic.

Those ridiculous fortunes in USA are not even real. Billionaires can't even claim they actually own that much money, since they can't sell their stocks at the nominal price at the bourse. If they sell them over a longer period of time, they won't even get a half of it. If investment banks don't act friendly, they may even be left with almost nothing. So Paper Billionaires are as phony as the US economy itself.

There would be no billion-dollars companies (or even most of small businesses) without the privileged credit coming from the Federal Reserve. To become a billionaire, you don't have to be smart, you have to be well connected within the regime. Like in the communist party in China.

The problem lies within the system itself. Capitalism redistributes money owned by the whole society (debt is owned by everyone) to the financial cliques through the Central Bank credit (and tax cuts). The Central Bank prints money backed by the taxpayers and thus it indebts the whole society (also the penniless and the homeless). Then the Central Bank spreads this money to its crony-bankers (financial clique) who have the power to "give" it to its vassals, who then employ workers.

Capitalism is not "free market". As even the name suggests, capitalism is defined by the system of money (capital) creation (simply printing) and redistribution, i.e. banking. The redistribution of money/wealth goes from the whole society toward the oligarchy (mainly Wall Street).

Capitalism is de facto a modern feudalism. A welfare system for the rich.

It's like the feudal system where the Lord (Federal Reserve) gives his vassals land (in this case money, credit) and they rule over the land through those privileges. So everybody pays for the Wall Street hucksters' privileges.
Capitalism is a modern feudal system in which the oligarchy took over the national wealth and employs workers as their servants.
Wall Street is a bunch of privileged bloodsuckers who leech on the bloodstream of society, i.e. financial system.

The Abortion Witches Coven. Abortion doctors Mengele.

Jul15 2015
Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts.

Seriously? The abortion witch is happily talking about selling body parts from partial birth abortions? This is just mind blowing.
They are harvesting and selling hearts, livers of aborted babies. And she brags that during the killing procedure she can avoid destroying the parts she wants to sell:

"I'm not gonna crush that part, I'm gonna basically crush below, I'm gonna crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get it all intact"

So abortion is a process of crushing body parts of an unborn child. No wonder abortionists try to keep quite about the details of their Frankenstein/Mengele-like activities.
Witches were prosecuted in the past exactly for this kind of activities: abortion, killing newborn. And they were put in dungeons for these criminal deeds.
But now the witches are the new heroes who bring freedom to kill... They think that unborn children are their possession, slaves, so they can do whatever they want with them. The witch thinks: it's my baby, I own it, I can kill it. An unborn child is not even a person to them. They treat it as an inanimate object, worse than an animal.
And now such witches are protected by law enacted by an unelected clique of judges in USA.
This is a deviant civilization. Even sexual deviants are treated as if they were the saints of yore.
So USA and the EU must be the new Sodom and Gomorrah? It doesn't even look like only a metaphor anymore.
And neither USA nor the EU will survive for long. The homosexual takeover is a sign that God has forsaken you. It's signum temporis.
When an organism is infected with viruses and parasites to the point that they are clearly visible and appear to take over, that organism is about to die.

As Martin Luther King said:

How long? Not long, because you shall reap what you sow.

Donald Trump is a case of a Zelig.

Feb26 2016
Donald Trump is a case of a Zelig. Zelig is a character from a Woody Allen film. It's a guy who wants to fit in and be liked by everyone; he tries to fit in any group of people he is with at the moment by pretending to be one of them and to think like them.
BTW: Zelig is an example of an archetypal half-assimilated Jew (or a crypto-Jew like Marano, Frankist, Dönmeh). Another example of such a Jew is the main character of the film "Europa Europa" or "Hitlerjunge Salomon" by A.Holland.

Thermonuclear fusion with a clean non-nuclear (fission) explosion in Poland in 1977. Mini-nukes.

Apr 24, 2015 In 1977, Poland became the first country in the world to achieve a thermonuclear fusion with a clean non-nuclear (fission) ex...